A Point & Click Web Hosting Control Panel

The point & click Web Hosting Control Panel is the result of lots of hours of hard work. It was made with one particular objective in mind – to make site administration quick and simple.

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A Point & Click Web Hosting Control Panel
Service Scalability

Your web site can get bigger unrestrictedly due to the scalability of the shared web hosting solutions on offer at TulipHost. At any given moment, you can order more features. And if you do not need them anymore – get rid of them. Or switch to a different package. Or upgrade to another hosting solution. Without any outages.

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Service Scalability
Shared Web Hosting Platform

Our shared web hosting platform is the cornerstone of our online business. It is exceptionally stable, reliable and safe. This is precisely what permits us to guarantee a 99.9% uptime and to keep our promise.

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Shared Web Hosting Platform
Multiple Data Centers

Decide where to host your site – in the United States, in England, in Eastern Europe or in Australia. Benefit from hypersonic web page loading times thanks to the top–of–the–line datacenters we have chosen – the Colohouse data center in the USA, the UK Servers data center in England, the Ficolo data center in Finland, the S3 data center in Bulgaria, and the Amaze data center in Australia.

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Multiple Data Centers
A Drag–and–Drop File Manager

With the File Manager that’s included in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll find how easy it is to manage your sites. You can upload files by merely dragging them to your browser. You can drag and drop files in separate folders to relocate them. And you can decompress compressed archives with one single click of the mouse.

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A Drag–and–Drop File Manager
Web Apps Installer

Install more than forty popular web apps with one mouse click. Databases are set up automatically. Zero configuration is required on your part. The Web Apps Installer software tool is offered with all our cloud hosting packages and is thoroughly free.

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Web Apps Installer
Website Accelerators

In the event that, irrespective of what you do, your web site still continues to load slowly, we’ve got a perfect solution for you. With each of our cloud hosting packages, you will find different site accelerator applications that can make your web site hyper–fast.

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Website Accelerators
A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

When we declare that our shared web hosting services are riskless, we don’t only mean our 99.9% uptime guarantee. In the event that you do not like our services, you will be able to claim your money back during the first 30 days of your subscription, no strings attached.

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A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
24x7 Support

If you have ever been forced to wait around for hours for a client service team representative to answer, you’re aware of how infuriating this can be. At TulipHost, we do everything in another way. We offer a 24x7 support service with a sixty–minute support ticket response guarantee. Our average trouble ticket response time is under twenty minutes.

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24x7 Support