CNAME Records in Shared Web Hosting
Creating a CNAME record using our shared web hosting is very easy. Our in-house built Hepsia CP includes a section committed to the DNS records of your domain addresses, so you can create a new CNAME record for any domain or subdomain hosted inside your account in just a few easy steps. You will find a video tutorial inside the same section where you can see the process first-hand. This feature will give you a variety of opportunities - if you set up a company site on our end, for example, the workers can use their e-mails with the company domain address, not with the address of our mail server. If you want to create a site by using a different company which offers online web design services, you can easily forward a domain hosted here and use it for the website. Last, but not least, in case you have a web-based store and you have a billing system for and/or an SSL certificate, you could set up a CNAME record for the www subdomain and direct it to the main domain name, so all your customers are going to be forwarded to a secure URL.
CNAME Records in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with every one of our semi-dedicated server accounts, will permit you to create a CNAME record with ease. When you want to create a private URL for your e-mails, to forward a domain to a subdomain inside the account or to forward a domain name to another company and use some third-party service that they provide, it's not going to take you more than 3 mouse clicks to create such a record. All DNS records for the domain addresses and subdomains hosted within the semi-dedicated account will be listed in a separate section in the CP, so once you're there, all you will have to do will be to select the type of the record that you want to create and the hostname for which you are creating it, and then enter the actual record text. For your benefit, you can see a short video in the CP about how to set up a CNAME record or you can follow the instructions in the help article, which is available in the DNS records section.