SMTP, which stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the software that permits you to send out e-mails from your email addresses. Without it, you won't be able to employ email apps or webmail. Every time you send an email, your SMTP server creates a connection to a DNS server to determine exactly where emails for the recipient domain are managed. Then, it connects to the remote email server and exchanges details. In case the recipient mailbox is available, your server sends the email to the receiving POP/IMAP server and the latter brings that email to the precise mailbox where the recipient can get it. If you wish to send emails, you should always ensure that the website hosting company offers the service with their plans. Even though you make use of online form that website visitors use to get hold of you, you'll still require an active SMTP server for your hosting account for the form to function.

SMTP Server in Shared Web Hosting

With each and every shared web hosting we offer, you'll be able to work with our SMTP server and send emails via your favorite email program, webmail or a script on your web site. The service is provided with the packages by default, not being a paid add-on or on demand, so you can make use of your emails once you create them through your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. We've prepared comprehensive tutorials how one can create a mailbox in the most popular desktop and smart phone e-mail clients and they feature all SMTP options that you'll require together with standard issues that you may come across in addition to their solutions. If you use an online contact form on your website, all that you should enter is the server name along with your email, to get the form functioning instantly.

SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated servers come with an SMTP server by default, so you will not need to pay anything further or ask for access. You will be able to send out emails as long as you create a mail box with one of your domains in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Our thorough guides will show you exactly how to set up your e-mail address in an email client and can assist you to troubleshoot any problem if you can't send emails for whatever reason, since we have stored the typical problems you may encounter along with their solutions in a single place. If you have an e-mail web form of any kind on your website, all it takes to get it to function is to input the SMTP name as well as your email. The semi-dedicated server packages are extremely powerful and they will help you send out a huge number of e-mail messages, making them an excellent choice if you wish to send out frequent newsletters to your visitors.