Website visitor stats are an integral part of any website hosting service. The number of people that have seen your site can provide you with more information on how it is performing and will show you if you need to work on improving it. Usually the web stats for a site include the everyday and the monthly visits (unique and reloads), the most visited web pages and the referrer websites, so if you notice that a number of webpages are getting much less website traffic than others, you could consider making them more alluring to the visitors to use the whole potential of your website. If you are advertising online, you'll be able to see if the money was well-invested or not, as the Internet stats normally feature information about third-party sites and search engines like Google which refer visitors to your Internet site. Having comprehensive and reliable stats shall help you boost your Internet site and plan your marketing strategies much better, in order to get more potential clients.

Web & FTP Statistics in Shared Web Hosting

If you purchase one of our shared web hosting, you will be able to access two programs to check your site traffic. They are known as Webalizer and AWStats, and the data that you will find in both of them will be as thorough as possible. Hourly, day-to-day and month-to-month website visitor stats shall give you a perception of how the sites perform, but you will also find much more information - the most visited landing and exit pages, the top locations and IPs, the duration of every visit, the user’s Operating System and web browser, etcetera. This data will allow you to drastically improve the site and/or your promotional initiatives. The info will be available in graphs and tables, that you can copy or download if you require any data for a report, for instance. In addition, the Hepsia hosting CP features a real-time stats tool that will enable you to keep tabs on how many visitors are on your site at any given point in time and what locations they come from.

Web & FTP Statistics in Semi-dedicated Servers

The 2 traffic-monitoring programs included with our semi-dedicated servers - AWStats and Webalizer, shall give you really thorough information regarding the behavior of your site visitors, that could consequently help you optimize the Internet site or any marketing campaign that you are running. You will discover a lot more data than simply the amount of website visitors for a given period of time or the hottest webpages, since the apps shall also show you how much time the visitors spent on your website, the most popular landing and exit pages, or even the keywords used by the visitors to get to your site using search engines. All this info shall be offered in graphs and tables and you can browse them via a really intuitive web interface. As an added feature, the Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to view the number of site visitors and where they come from in real time.